September 2017 Newsletter

August was a club day meeting with a lot going on. Six lathes on the go and also Mort Hill came to visit us with some wood and used tools he had for sale. He was also invited to judge the entries for this month's certificates.

The morning was all about different people on the various lathes showing how they go about different projects and what tools they use. We had Howard turning Christmas trees, Geof Horsfield turning a sphere with his sphere turning tool. Chris Withall was making wood shavings while Keith Leonard had taken over the big lathe and was turning a cherry bowl. Nick Caruana was also making wood shavings, so was Norman. Sorry Nick and Chris and Norman, I didn’t note what you were making. Fred was showing how he made his pens. Paul was at the back of the room showing off his skills with his air brushing kit producing some stunning designs.

In the afternoon we had a speed turning competition and the object this time was a darning mushroom to be made in four minutes.
Yours truly managed to produce something that resembled a mallet, not even mushroom shape. Nope, definitely a mallet.
The pictures in the gallery tell the rest of the story for this meeting, or maybe only some of it.

Our next meeting is on Saturday 9th September and we have got Carlyn Lindsay with us for the day. She was with us in July 2013 and her work is very decorative and she was using a lot of coloured veneers. Pat Hughes went off and found a firm in east London and bought a load which he sold in small lots to us. Was she the one that used gallons of upv glue at her demo? Maybe. Come along and see what delights she has in store for us this time.
